
Candyfloss Cardigan


I’m going to keep this post short and sweet to get it up as quickly as possible!

Sometime last year I decided I wanted a striped oversized “mohair- style” cardigan. Because I didn’t have much experience in pattern making, I didn’t want to spend a fortune on yarn so I looked into buying something that looked a bit like mohair but was a bit more wallet-friendly. I decided to use the Drops Brushed Alpaca Silk which I had purchased during the big drops sale for a really low price – I think under £2 per skein (!). I wanted it to be warm and for the stitches to look quite dense so I held it triple and used 8 and 9mm needles.

I wrote the pattern as I was knitting and that’s the pattern I’ve uploaded here for you to have. If I was to knit the cardigan again, I might try making the neck opening a bit smaller, decreasing on every 2nd row instead of on every 3rd and only on the last colour. I think I’d also knit the sleeves in the round rather than seaming them. But those are just personal changes!

Processed with VSCO with s2 preset

This was a very fun and quick make (the reason I took so long to finish is because I ran out of wool and abandoned the project to my UFO pile for about 6 months! 🙈 I think if you knit it as your only project it should be done in about 10 days of evening sofa knitting (my evening sofa time varies between 1/2h to 2hrs so this is how I measure my project lengths- very technical I know!)

So without further ado here you have the pattern as a PDF that you can download and print. I’ve released it as a free pattern because I’ve not tested it and there are no multiple sizes given the oversized nature of the cardigan. The finished garment measurements are included though so have a look at those, its easy enough to make adjustments to the width and length and I’m available to answer any questions you may have.

Candy Floss Cardigan

If you do make it,  I’d really really love to see your progress pics and finished cardigans so do please tag me on Instagram with @katandleni and use the hashtag #candyflosscardigan

Happy Making!


4 thoughts on “Candyfloss Cardigan

  1. Hi there! Ia making the Candyfloss cardigan and am stuck on the part where you seam the shoulders…i have 31 stitches on right and left front and 72 for the back…i seamed them together and then I only have 10 stitches left around the back area which hits the neck, and do you just bind those in between off…is this right? It just looks like there should be lot more space on the back neck area than I have…my space on the back between the right and left panel is only like an inch? Hope that makes sense, I basically don’t have much of a gap between the 2 panels…thanks for your help! Angie


    1. Hi Angela,

      Firstly- yes the neck stitches need to bound off. There should be 10 stitches for the neck opening which corresponds to 10cm (around 4inches) if you have knitted in the correct gauge. If your 10 sts are working out to only 1 inch (2.5cm) then you have knit in a too small gauge. The neck opening is intentionally narrow to stop the two shoulder panels from slipping off the shoulders as there are no buttons on the cardigan. I hope this helps somewhat. If you have any further questions just let me know 🙂


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